PCIE Serial Card (MCS9922 chipset)
Chipset: Moschip MCS9922CV
Interface: PCI Express
DB9 Serial Port x2
Two serial ports transfer rate up to 250k/s
16c550 UART Compatable standral
Fully Compliant with PCI-Express Base Specification, Revision 1.0a
PCIe Multi Function Peripheral Controller with x1 Lane Interface
Supports Plug & Play
Serial interface RS-232
Supports RS232, RS485 & RS422 Modes
Bi-directional Speeds from 50 bps to 16Mbps/Port
Full Serial Modem Control
Supports Hardware, Software Flow Control
5, 6, 7, 8 and 9-bit Serial Format Supported
On Chip 256 Byte Depth FIFOs in Transmit, Receive Path of Each Serial Port
Even, Odd, None, Space & Mark Parity Supported
Serial Attached Devices
Serial Networking/Monitoring Equipment
Data Acquisition System
POS Terminal & Industrial PC
parallel/Printer Port based applications
Add-On I/O Cards-Serial/Parallel/USB
Embedded systems-For I/O expansion